I planned to meet Farhanah Sheikh at Tampines Guardian this afternoon but we met in bus 21 instead.. Haha!!
We went to buy something at Tampines then we went to Whitesands by MRT. Then we went to the NTUC and bought drinks for the party. Farhanah had difficulty carrying them haha! We bought 3 bottles of drinks each.
Then we went to the MRT station to meet Suryana and the rest of the choir members. Then we took the bus 403 there.
It was evening and the night sky was very nice. Here's the pic I took of the sky:

Nice isn't it?
Anyway.. Me, Suryana, Aisyah, and Farhanah and Nutz went strolling at the path near the beach. It was quite dark and Suryana and Farhanah were afraid of meeting ghosts!! Hahaha!! I pulled my long hair to the front to fightened them.. Hahaha it was fun!!
Then a group of guys went past us. One of them was Aaron Aziz! Suryana was soo gleeful that she saw him, uunlike me who couldn't care less.. Farhanah was damn jealous!!! HAHAHA..
After that we went back to the BBQ pit.. We ate, then we played games.. The games were not as fun as the choir camp though.
There was this game that you have you spell names with your ASS. Suryana was chosen!! THere were 2 teams. They could throw water bombs at us to distract us. I got water splasehed all over my front!!! ARGH!!
Then after the games we ate the pandan cake. It was also Miss Seow's birthday. 9/11.. nicee date huh? Very memorable.. (The Twin Towers)
Then, to fast forward, it was time to go home. I change my tee at the toilet and took the bus 403 back to interchange.. The bus 403 was SO DAMN SLOW!
Then I took 21 home frfom the interchange.
It was my first time to a BBQ and I had fun.
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