Saturday, May 29, 2004


- Dictionary (the real definitions) -

Adult \a-dult\ n. : a person who has stopped growing at both ends and now does in the middle

Agony \ahg-on-ee\ n. : a one-armed man hanging off a cliff with itchy balls

Beauty Parlor \beu-tee par-ler\ n. : a place where women curl up and dye

Babysitting \bay-bee-sih-ting\ - an excuse to play little kid games

Boy \boi\ n. : a noise with dirt on it

Cannibal \can-a-bul\ n. : someone who is fed up with people

Caramel Apple \care-uh-mell ahhpul\ n. : cavities on a stick

Chicken \chik-on\ n. : the only animals people eat before they are born and after they are dead

Committee \com-ih-tee\ n. : a body that keeps minutes and wastes hours

Dust \dust\ n. : mud with the juice squeezed out

Etc: an abbreviation made to trick people into believing that you know more than you really do

Flashlight \flash-lite\ n. : a case for holding dead batteries

Frown \frowwn\ n. : an upside-down smile

Gossip \goss-ip\ n. : a person who will never tell a lie if the truth will do more damage

Homework \home-werk\ n. : a punishment given to students every day to prevent them from having lives of their own

Lottery \lot-er-ee\ n. : a tax on people who are bad at math

Morning \mor-ning\ n. : a period of time nonexistent during weekends

Mosquito \muss-kee-toe\ n. : an insect that makes you appreciate flies more

Night \nite\ n. : daytime with the lights out

Oops : the sound made by a teenager who comes home two hours after curfew

Raisin \ray-son\ n. : a grape with a sunburn

School \skool\ n. : prison-like place with no free meals

Secret \see-cret\ n. : something that people aren't supposed to know but everyone eventually finds out

Skeleton \skel-eh-ton\ n. : a series of bones with the person scraped off of them

Tomorrow \too-mar-oh\ n. : one of the greatest labor saving devices of today

Yawn \yawwn\ n. : an honest opinion being openly expressed

Yesterday \yes-ter-day\ n. : when the ten-page paper that you started tonight was due

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