- not really
:: Do you often cry in front of people or alone:
- aLoNe..
:: Have your friends ever seen you cry:
- yUp..
:: Have you cried today:
- nOpE..
:: Do you usually cry for a long time:
- nO..
:: Do you get really red when you cry:
- a bit.. But not that red..
:: Have you ever cried because you were happy:
- nope!
:: Have you ever been someone's "crying
- yEp..
:: Have you ever hugged someone because they
were crying:
- NoPe..
:: Have you ever had a shoulder to cry on:
- yea
:: Have you been hugged when you cried:
- umm... Don't think so..
:: Do you cry during movies:
- sometimes..
:: Do you cry while reading books:
- sometimes..
:: Does music make you cry:
- not really.. Unless it reminds me of something sad..
:: Have you ever been called a cry baby:
- nO..
:: Have you ever tried to stop yourself from
- yUp..
:: Have you ever cried in front of a teacher:
- yea.. Last year.. heex
:: Does this survey make you want to cry?:
- nO..Of course not!
:: Have you ever cried over a guy/girl:
- haha nope
:: Do you cry when you are physically hurt:
- dunno.. i think got before
:: Do you cry when you are scared:
- nOpE..
:: Do you cry when you are mad:
- yea!! Or rather frustrated..
:: Do you cry over bad grades?:
- nah..
:: Have you ever cried over spilled milk:
- dunno
:: Can you make yourself cry:
- yea.. sumtimes..
:: When was the last time you cried:
- dunno.. Don't remember.. Yesterday?? hahax
:: Have you ever cried because you were sad for
someone else:
- dunno.. Can't remember
:: Do you have a favorite crying quote:
- nope..
:: Have you ever cried for anyone who wouldn't
cry for you:
- nOpE
:: Do you ever cry on anniversaries of things?:
- nope
:: Do you cry over someone you love becoz they
have a gf/bf?
- no lar
::When was the last time u felt love and u cried?
- never
::Who is the person you always cry for?
- read the previous ques..

:: Will you cry because this survey is over:
- nOpE.. Dumb question...
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