*...W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*
1) pierce your nose or tongue?
- neither.
2) be serious or be funny?
- funny.
3) drink whole or skim milk?
- whole.
4) simple or complicated?
- simple.
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) flowers or angel figurines?
- flowers.
6) grey or pink?
- um. depends..
7) colored or black-and-white photos?
- coloured.
8) lust or love?
- love.
9) sunrise or sunset?
- sunset, but i like both.
10) M&Ms or Skittles?
- both.
11) rap or rock?
- rock.
12) staying up late or waking up early?
- staying up late.
13) TV or radio?
- er.. none..
15) eating apples or oranges?
- orange
* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) Do you have a boy/gerl fren?
- nope.
17) Who is it?
- look above. =P
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
18) feeling hot or cold?
- sleepy!! haha cold.
19) tall members of the opposite sex?
- yeahh.
20) sun or moon?
- moon.
21) emeralds or rubies?
- rubies.
22) left or right?
- right.
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend?
- one best friend.
24) sun or rain?
- rain.
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
27) green beans or carrots?
- um none?
26) boys or girls?
- girls(as friend duh), cuz we have our similarities and feel more comfotable with each other.
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world?
- umm.. going to hell..?
30) Kids or no kids?
- kids.
31) Cat or dog?
- BOTH!!
32) Half empty or half full?
- half empty..
33)Mustard or ketchup?
- ketchup
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books?
- soft cover.
35) Newspaper or magazine?
- magazines.
36) Sandals or sneakers?
- both.
37) Wonder or amazement
- both?
38) Red car or white car?
- red
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich?
- none! prefer happy and rich! (who doesn't?)
40) Singing or dancing?
- umm..
41) Hugging or kissing?
- hug.
42) Corduroy or plain?
- plain.
43) Happy or sad?
45) Blondes, brunettes?
- brunettes.
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
46) What time is it?
- 5:25 PM
47. Name?
- hazwani
48. Nickname?
- haz..
49. Names and ages of siblings
- hana, 20
50. Where are you now?
- at home.
51. What are you doing?
- typing, listening to the tv, reading this..
52. Number of candles that appeared on your
last birthday cake?
- no candles. ok i think u are trying to ask what's my age.. 13..
53. Date that you regularly blow them out?
- look above.. and i think you are trying to ask when's my bday.. 9 June..
54. Pets?
- 1 red-eyed tetra.. the others died..
55. Eye color?
- dark brown
56. Hair color?
- black/dark brown.
57. Piercings?
- one on each ear.
58. Clean guy/gal/ pierced guy/gal?
- clean guy.
59. Who's the person on your mind right now?
- my sis..
60. What are u goin to do after doing this
- dunno...
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