But 18 doesn't stop at her stop too! It turned right instead of left! So, we have to alight and walk all the same, to Isalina's house and waste money on that unnecessary bus ride.We watch Shutter at her house. It was SOOOO FUN! The show makes sense too actually. You guys should watch! We had a fun time watching the show in her dark room. We switched off the light to add fun. Norizzan brought her little sister along and she cried while watching and kept hiding!
It was Madiana's house next. Watched a bit of Bride and Prejudice. Did nothing much there. She got so many snacks in her kitchen! I don't know how she can finish all of it. I'll get sick of it if it were me. Then we left for Suryana's house. Watched White Chicks. It was funny. But we didn't get to finish it because there was no time to, as we still need to go to 3 more houses.
So we set off to Izzan's house. Oh. My. God! Her house is soooooooooo nice and big and modern! And she has this framed do’a that can light up! It’s soooo nice when the lights (of the frame) is on!I would love to have a house like hers! She has younger twin brothers. Nazri is the elder of the two and Nasri is the younger brother. At one point, one of them(dunno which one, but I think it's the elder one) kept looking at me. Even Suryana notice it. I hate to be stared, at no matter how young they are.

Then we went to Aishah's house. Her house is bigger!! And very nice too! Very antiquely designed, with portrait paintings! Haha.. Her house was the most fun, thanks to her little 3-year-old sister. My god, for a little girl, she sure has an EXTREMELY loud voice! Aishah told her to “play doctor” with her doctor kit. Mardiana was the first “patient”. It was so hilarious! When two of my friends when to the toilet, I decided to go too; partly to run away and also because I really need to go!! Haha!
Then suddenly one whole crowd came into the kitchen to run away!! Ahahahaha!!! Funny funny…! I mean, all of us, scared of a 3-year-old kid?? LOL! Are we the monsters from Monsters Inc. or what??
She kept talking! But none of us can make out what she said. At one point me and Farhanah heard "masak crayon"!! We kept laughing and laughing! It means to cook crayon. It reminds me of the time when I watched the interview with Taufik and Sylvester. Taufik's mother had her say, but all me and Farhanah heard was "EPOK-EPOK"! Hahahhahaha!!! It's like, "*sobsobsob* EPOK-EPOK *sobsobsob*"! Me and Farhanah really couldn't control our laughter!
We had dinner at her house, and watched K14 (a malay show) too. Then we left for my house, the last one. AGAIN! We walked there. It was quite near. But not to them apparently. What a shock to them, after walking, they still need to take the overhead bridge!! LOL!! Oh well, doesn’t hurt to exercise right??
Mardiana and Isalina liked the cookie my mum baked! *Grins* After a while, all but Mardiana left. Guess why Mardiana did not go home? Because she want to watch her Champions!! Finally she can watch her last episode of her favourite Chinese drama which she missed because she went out with her family on that day. Happy now, Mardiana??

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