Friday, March 18, 2005

Oh ShiT

today we had the School Service thingy and was divided into groups of 5. I was grouped with Pak Sum, Muhammad, Cheng Wai, Grace T, and Jerline.

Me and Jerline helped each other while the boys don't know do what. I wanted to see Cheng Wai's phone, then too late, I saw Miss Tay, and she saw me using CW's phone and saw Jerline using her phone. And she confiscated our phones! I was like, "OH SHIT! It's Cheng Wai's!!!" I told Cheng Wai i was sorry and luckily he was nice. I felt soooo bad! I lied to teacher to help him get him phone back. My first time this year lying to a teacher. I'm a bad liar and I'm surprised she believed me.

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