A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go, a friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious a friend is YOU!!
Saturday, December 31, 2005
My New Year's resolution
Well, I don't do resolutions, because I know I won't follow them. But I thought this year I might do something different. So here are my resolutions for 2006.
My new year's resolution is to stop cracking my knuckles. I don't want to get arthritis.
My new year's resolution is to try harder in every thing I do.
My new year's resolution is to eat more. (I need the weight)
My new year's resolution is to work on my Maths.
My new year's resolution is to use the computer only after finishing my school work. (No harm in trying)
My new year's resolution is to pay attention in class.
Friday, December 30, 2005
- 2 Bleach notepad
- 1 Bleach notebook
- 1 Bleach ruler
- 1 Bleach file
- 1 Bleach eraser
- 1 Kon notebook
- 1 Byakuya and Renji notebook
- 1 Rukia keychain
- 2 Bleach poster
The above costs about 40 bucks.
She also has a Kon plushie, Ichigo plushie, Rukia plushie and another Bleach poster.
I'm ready to bet not even Shazlin has this many Bleach merchandise.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
I love the school next year. So convenient. And the travelling time takes half of the time to Tampines. But the holding school is so big, I think I will get lost easily. There's also another problem, we still haven't found a place for S. Freakz to eat and meet.
My father is quitting taxi driving cuz he often feel faint every morning, so for the next 3 months I have to go to school by myself. He needs a rest anyway.
I cut my hair after choir just now. I cut really short, approximately 4 inches, shoulder length. i'm surprised no one noticed right away; my sister took a few hours to notice, and my grandmother didn't even realised at all. And I'm definitely going to let her find out for herself. No point looking for trouble.
My house still stinks of paint, the toilets and kitchen got repainted. Next should be the door and door frames, then the living room, if my mother decides to.
Well, I'd better be going now, jaa!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
MerrY ChrisTmas!
This year it doesn't seem to have the Christmassy feeling. Don't tell me everyone tired of Christmas? The only time when I have the Christmassy mood is when I hear the song, "All I want for Christmas is You". It brings up so much memories of the KL trip... The Estonian Girls... Having fun... Going wild... The friendship concert has more Christmas mood than this, honestly.
Well, I've managed to persuade my mum to let me cut my hair, and she MAY be buying for me a new phone. Hopefully. Now I don't like Nokia 7370. Even though it's very pretty. Even my sister says so. I want to buy Sony Ericsson.. But I hope it's user friendly.
If you are smart you will be able to tell that I'm bored. Who wouldn't be bored at this time of the night? Or at this time of the wee hours in the morning. Whichever you prefer.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
It's midnight and I don't feel sleepy for some reason. Just started watching Naruto. Yea yea I know most anime freaks had already watch it ages ago and on 100+ episodes now. I had no interest in Naruto so you can't blame me. Hmm anyway, it was surprisingly okay. And if Sasuke wasn't in it I doubt it will be as interesting. Oh yes, and Sakura is a useless freak.
I want to watch Narnia! Damn and I want a new phone! Like my mum let. Fana's sister bought for her this cool phone! I'm envious. Her sister is so nice. *shoots my sister a look* And so much money to spare. *Sigh*
I'm mumbling nonsense. That's the power of boredome eh?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Haz is..
haz is online
haz is tackling heart disease
haz is helping local agencies to modernise services
haz is one of 26 haz regions in england and northern ireland
haz is looking to promote positive attitudes to mental health
haz is made up of different community groups
haz is linked to the community as well as the statutory sector
haz is rated pg
haz is powered by enthusiastic members like you
haz is about long term fundamental changes in the way we all think about health
haz is `exemplar' in its development of programmes around coronary heart disease
haz is delighted to have been involved in the development of this directory as we have been aware of the lack of accessible information specifically for rural
haz is trying to boost his support among the mainly muslim indonesian public ahead of 2004
residential elections in which he might runhaz is capable of making a real difference to the health of people across the region
haz is to improve the picture of health on merseyside
haz is largely affected by chemical composition of the steel and weld thermal cycle
haz is identified with muslim traditionalism
haz is to address inequalities in health
haz is necessary to maximize the strength of the weld
haz is a partnership of the health service
haz is one of the second wave of 15 hazs
haz is used to detect stunting in a population
haz is just looking for supports from among indonesian muslims
haz is quite small
haz is chairman of indonesia's third largest party
haz is a major industrial corporation
haz is talking about britney spears
haz is the largest and most complex in the country
haz is simple and easy
Monday, December 19, 2005
My oh my
School will be reopened in two weeks time and before that will be the New Year. I don't do resolutions mainly because I will not stick to them. So what's the point? But maybe I should do them for 2006 eh?
Of course, before the New Year, there's this thing called Christmas Day. I love Christmas, even though I don't celebrate it. And no, it's not because of the Christmas sale. Hell, I barely go out so what's the use of sales huh? It's because Christmas is such a joyful festive. It does live up to "Merry Christmas", doesn't it? And coincidentally, Fana felt the same way too, as I was told a few days ago.
Many are doing their wishlist already. Why should wishlists be restricted to Christmas only? Anyway I hate wishlists. I hate thinking of what I want. I hate thinking, period. Anyway if I like something, I'll get it if I can.
But wishlists are helpful if you wanna get someone a birthday present yea?
Saturday, December 17, 2005
More pic!!
Cake Miss Lye bought for us on the 3rd Day after the Friendship concert.
Ms Lye ordered cheese cake and chocolate banana.

Our certificate.

The theme of the competition.

Pictures of the Estonian (from a teacher of ESPS)
Click here
The scores of our category.

The whole choir at our holding school.

Still more pics to come! Hopefully...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
// 4th Day & 5th Day
Pink mosque..

Famous Amos. Lol like candy gift pack shop..

The lamps and traffic light at Putra Jaya damn cool

We won Silver A of 80 plus points!!! There's Bronze A, Bronze B, Bronze C. Same thing with Silver and Gold; Silver A, B, C etc etc. WooT!!! There are 5 judges. 3 of them give such high marks, then the other two pull us down dammit. If not we could have gotten at least a gold C. Oh well. Silver A is good enough. Scratch that. Silver A is GREAT! We are number 4 choir in the category, number 3 in Singapore and number 1 in Quality Hotel! WooT!
The champions of the different categories will compete in the Grand Finals. It's comfirmed. The Estonians will win hands down. Waste their time to perform again. And guess what. They did win. Not only that, they won five awards. FIVE awards. FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! God! During the interval (for the judges to total up the scores), me and Fana went over to the Estonians and asked a few for photos. Only two of them were willing. But they were SOOO CUTE!!!!!

Their awards:
1 award

2 awards..

3 awards:

4 awards..

5 awards..

What a handful. Literally.
We headed back to our hotel. Then there's Miss World. WooT!! I love pageants! We slept at around 1. And over slept the next day. Had to skip breakfast. Soon, we were ready to leave the hotel and Fana had to part with her Lollipop Guy. Wahaha.
We stopped at Yong Peng for lunch but we trio didn't eat. Fana bought a burger and ate in bus though. We went to the souvenir shop instead. I bought a musical thingy as a souvenir and for my mother's birthday present. Her birthday is the day when I left for KL btw. Sad huh.
Me and Fana cam whored a lot:

Me and Steph

Let see, what did I buy..
I bought a hair product at Sinma:

It makes your hair smooth and silky. No kidding. And if your hair is tangled and you use this "Let's Care" Jeu product, you don't even have to comb your hair. Not exagerating. 30 ringgit...
Bought this as a souvenir and for my mum's birthday present >.<

The picture on the wall is not me. x.x

Blusher, L'oreal, not sure how much. 7 ringgit I think.

My Lipgloss, dunno how much but MUCH cheaper than the price in Singapore. I regret not buying two of it. I think around 22 ringggit.
And a belt, 30 ringgit. Discounted price. If not it's 50 ringgit.

Oh and two pairs of socks from Sox World for 6 ringgit each.
Anyway, we arrived in Singapore at 3. At around 4, we reached our soon-to-be holding school, at the old Temasek Sec School in bedok. Saw our choir room. Quite nice. Anyway, then we were dismissed there and not long after I reached my home sweet home!!
PS: A lot of bad shots I know. So screw me.
// 3rd Day

And there was a very big moth stuck to the glass.

If you can't visualize the size of the moth, just compare the moth to Yana's head.

Today was the day of the Friendship Concert. We did our usual routine. We sat behind the Estonia girls. Me and Fana badly wanted to make friends but no guts. Damn fuk shit. They went first. WOW! A great start to the concert. They sing. SoOoOO nice. And they danced to end their performance. Wow they really let loose! Shake here shake there. Eye opener for guys. But wow, so fun!!!

This photo is cool.. And it's not even edited..

The Estonian Girls:

Then one of the CHIJ Primary School from dunno where had a cute little girl who sang solo. WOW! She sang beautifully! She she can reach such a high note!!
The little girl is the soloist.

After the concert, a few of us Pasirians shared a bus with the Malaysian's Sumtat voices. It was so fun! Then Fana can see her favourite "Lollipop guy". Thanks to the concert, especially the Estonians, us trio were so hyper! We shouted, danced, screamed.. Ms Lye ordered cheese cake and chocolate banana. Then Ms Lye let loose too! WOW! For ONCE, I saw Ms Lye go wild! She was always so feminine!
After that, we went back to our room. There was a celebration of dunno what at the Shah Alam stadium and had fireworks. And our room had a nice view of it!