Saturday, December 31, 2005

My New Year's resolution

New Year is coming and school is opening in a few days time. I can't wait wait for 2006, there's lots of things that lie ahead, waiting for us. But still, I'm dreading school. I hope I get some decent home teachers.

Well, I don't do resolutions, because I know I won't follow them. But I thought this year I might do something different. So here are my resolutions for 2006.

My new year's resolution is to stop cracking my knuckles. I don't want to get arthritis.

My new year's resolution is to try harder in every thing I do.

My new year's resolution is to eat more. (I need the weight)

My new year's resolution is to work on my Maths.

My new year's resolution is to use the computer only after finishing my school work. (No harm in trying)

My new year's resolution is to pay attention in class.

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