Pink mosque..

Famous Amos. Lol like candy gift pack shop..

The lamps and traffic light at Putra Jaya damn cool

We won Silver A of 80 plus points!!! There's Bronze A, Bronze B, Bronze C. Same thing with Silver and Gold; Silver A, B, C etc etc. WooT!!! There are 5 judges. 3 of them give such high marks, then the other two pull us down dammit. If not we could have gotten at least a gold C. Oh well. Silver A is good enough. Scratch that. Silver A is GREAT! We are number 4 choir in the category, number 3 in Singapore and number 1 in Quality Hotel! WooT!
The champions of the different categories will compete in the Grand Finals. It's comfirmed. The Estonians will win hands down. Waste their time to perform again. And guess what. They did win. Not only that, they won five awards. FIVE awards. FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! God! During the interval (for the judges to total up the scores), me and Fana went over to the Estonians and asked a few for photos. Only two of them were willing. But they were SOOO CUTE!!!!!

Their awards:
1 award

2 awards..

3 awards:

4 awards..

5 awards..

What a handful. Literally.
We headed back to our hotel. Then there's Miss World. WooT!! I love pageants! We slept at around 1. And over slept the next day. Had to skip breakfast. Soon, we were ready to leave the hotel and Fana had to part with her Lollipop Guy. Wahaha.
We stopped at Yong Peng for lunch but we trio didn't eat. Fana bought a burger and ate in bus though. We went to the souvenir shop instead. I bought a musical thingy as a souvenir and for my mother's birthday present. Her birthday is the day when I left for KL btw. Sad huh.
Me and Fana cam whored a lot:

Me and Steph

Let see, what did I buy..
I bought a hair product at Sinma:

It makes your hair smooth and silky. No kidding. And if your hair is tangled and you use this "Let's Care" Jeu product, you don't even have to comb your hair. Not exagerating. 30 ringgit...
Bought this as a souvenir and for my mum's birthday present >.<

The picture on the wall is not me. x.x

Blusher, L'oreal, not sure how much. 7 ringgit I think.

My Lipgloss, dunno how much but MUCH cheaper than the price in Singapore. I regret not buying two of it. I think around 22 ringggit.
And a belt, 30 ringgit. Discounted price. If not it's 50 ringgit.

Oh and two pairs of socks from Sox World for 6 ringgit each.
Anyway, we arrived in Singapore at 3. At around 4, we reached our soon-to-be holding school, at the old Temasek Sec School in bedok. Saw our choir room. Quite nice. Anyway, then we were dismissed there and not long after I reached my home sweet home!!
PS: A lot of bad shots I know. So screw me.
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