Friday, January 13, 2006

Sec 3 AdventuRe CamP

wooT! I'm back! I've been away to a Sec 3 Adventure Camp, for 3 days and 2 nights.

Day 1

We went to school as usual. But I wanted to take a taxi, so me and my mum waited for one. We waited and waited and waited, but all the taxis are taken. What the hell. In the end we waited for a bus. It was 7.10 by then, and luckily I didn't have to wait long for the bus. So I was nearly late.

So we had our usual morning assembly, after which we went up to the hall for a talk conducted by Adam Khoo himself. He's a funny man. As in hilarious funny, not weird funny. And sometimes when he talks, he will purposely change his voice. When he do that he really looks like Jim Carrey. Those stupid actions and voices Jim makes. Then after his talk, our teachers talked about school rules and all that. When they talked about not tucking in clothes, that sucker Xiu Qi, who was sitting beside me, kept tsk tsk tsking at me. I got so irritated that I pulled out his tshirt and said loudy, "You didn't tuck in your shirt!" He then kept swearing and cursing me.

"CHEE BYE LA YOU! *middle finger* "

So anyway, the whole talking thing lasted for 2 and a half hours, and we left for the campsite at around 10.30.

In the bus, 2 coaches, Kenneth Chua and Daniel Chua (same ancestors but not brothers) were also there. We were separated into 2 groups, Group 7 and Group 8. Me and Farhanah was in Group 7, and Danial was in Group 8. Group 7 had all the fun people, like Robert, Vincent, and Royston. That Xiu Qi was also in Group 7. ShiT!

Then we checked in, bla bla bla, then we were divided in to several groups, for our bunk. Me, Farhanah and Suryana were in bunk 2. After that we were to do a banner and a cheer for our group. So we girls did the banner and the guys did the cheer. Our group name is 7 Even. Because we do things evenly, fair and square.

Then we had our lunch at about 1.30. Guess what we had to do? We had to tie our hands together with the 2 people sitting beside us. And GUESS who I had to tie my right hand to? XIU QI! What. The. HELL? !@#$%^&*!! In the end he untied the string. Then at one point of time, his knocked his food, and the whole box overturned on his lap. Jokes. He was very angry and spent the lunch time cleaning up.

After lunch, we did high element games. Me and Chloe did the high rope. We were to walk on a thin piece of rope and had to depend on each other to balance. We didn't go far, and when I fell, my leg got caught in one of the lines. OMGWTFBBQ quite pain. I fell with all my body weight then my leg just had to get caught with that stupid thin piece of line.

After that we played those kind of obstacle games. It was fun, with the teamwork and all. Then it was raining, then I can't remember what we did. It was dinner next, then a talk about Power of State, then night activity, then supper, shower, then lights out!

Day 2

Day 2 was boring. Rain rain rain. We had our morning exercise, which was jumping jacks. Then we had to massage the shoulder's of the person in front of us. Guess who was in front me? XIU QI! So I didn't massage him. Lollers. After breakfast, us Student Leaders took over. We went really wild! It was so fun! We danced with the music and all. We really let loose! After the breakfast, us Student Leaders gathered to do the cheers and discussed about the campfire. We really had a lot of fun.

Then we joined our own class for the campfire. Our class decided to dance the friendship dance and don't know what shit. Then we did rock climbing, I didn't managed to cuz of time constraint. Then we had a talk about Power of Belief. They did this experiment on indugtion. Sofy volunteered to do it. The coach kept saying in a monotone voice, "You are a steel rod" bla bla bla. So Sofy imagined he was a steel rod and he really became one. Mentally, not physically of course. Then one heavy coach sat one him, another stood on him, bla bla bla and he didn't notice, only sub-consciously. Indugtion was only the level 1 of hynotism. Hypnotism is level 6. Wow.

After that Student Leaders from group 1-8 had to gather. We had work to do for the campfire. We had to sweep the water away from the campfire area. And trust me, it was really flooded. Took us a few hours to finish I think. I was pleased with the outcome. We talk about the campfire. Chuan Ley taught us about the fire, then bla bla bla. Then we went to the canteen to have our dinner. Me and Fana didn't get our camp tee. Stupid. So we went up to change to our student leader tee and asked around about the camp tee. Someone said there was a box of it behind the canteen. So after changing, we went down. I found the box and took the tee, XS size. Then this coach, Jeslyn, who was one of the participants of Villa Wellness, came us and scolded us. I had to put back my tee. Damn, that was so close. Then they said we had to bring down our chopsticks which were required to bring. When we went down again, Royston rushed up to us and handed us this two camp tee with the correct sizes. So nice of him. We were so impressed. So gentleman. And there was this time during lunch this guy handed out the drinks, and he said, "Let the girls take first la." Wow. Impressive. He is, one in a thousand people, a lady's man. Anyway, so we went up again to wear our camp tee over our Student Leader tee.

Anyway, soon it was time for the campfire. It was soo fun! We really let loose, dance here and there! We really went wild! I was so so so hyper! And every now and then, the student leaders had to come out to lead with the cheers and stuff. I kept persuading the teachers to join us, and Mr Desmond Ng let loose also! WooT! The last item was by the Student Leaders and we managed to get everyone involved. We also stripped to our Student Leader tee. WooH!

After the fun, my stupid sandal broke and my left foot slipped forward and I broke my toe nail. @#$!^&*( !!

Day 3

So fast forward, and the camp, sadly, ended. Even though I did not manage to do all of the activites, I had a lot of fun with all my friends and coaches.