Monday, May 30, 2005

Which one is yours?

Getting to the seat of the computer!

(_!_) A regular arse
(__!__) A fat arse
(!) Tight Arse
(_._) Flat arse
(_^^_) Bubble Arse
(_*_) Sore Arse
(_!__) Lopsided Arse
{_!_} Swishy Arse
(_o_) An arse thats been around
(_O_) An arse thats really been around
(_x_) Kiss my arse
(_X_) Leave my arse alone
(_zzz_) A tired arse
(_o^^o_) A wise arse
(_E=mc2_) Smart Arse
(_13_) An unlucky Arse
(_$_) Money coming out of his arse
(_?_) Dumb Arse

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