Anyway, Fana said that Yana went out of her house 12.30. But it was a few past 1. -.- And it was only a 15 minutes ride from her house to the school. So anyway, we went in Guardian to browse some cosmetics. By the time we went out, Fana's wrist is full of lipsticks and lipgloss which she tested on.
It was 1.15 then and still no sign of Yana. We decided to go to TM; I wanted to buy hair band. Then there was this Body Shop expendition outside TM. Fana wanted to go and browse, so we did. She bought a blusher/skin bronzer, which costs 20 bucks I think. Then I felt my handphone vibrating, it was Yana calling. She asked me where were we and I told her. Before long, she joined us. It was 1.30 then. -.-
So anyway, we were late for choir. Lucky they didn't leave without us. So before long, we on the bus, on the way to Sentosa. WOW THE BUS IS DAMN COLD. You've got to be kidding. Honestly, I was boiling in a frying pan. Haven't they heard of air-con?? Sheesh.
So we reach there, bla bla bla. To keep a long story short, it was time for the performance. Oh yea, before that, we had to make up. LOL Fana's eyeshadow. Like Chinese Opera!! LOL Miss Seow looked at Fana, and double take. She looked a bit taken aback, and she went, " Wah Farhanah. So dramatic ah your makeup." Haha jokes. So anyway, The other school singing was Pierce Secondary. Last year was MacRitchie Secondary. Anyway, we went first. It was kinda ok, except for the last song, when the music stopped when we were singing. We didn't stop though, so I guess that's gotta count for something. It was not bad, except that we kept going faster and faster.
Then it ended. So we went back to the bleachers but it was packed and people were sitting on our place. So we had to squeeze among ourselves in order to sit. We sat one row down from our original seat. And the people behind us keep talking about Fana and me. At one point, this guy tapped Fana on her shoulder and talked to her in Chinese with some hand gestures. When Fana said politely, "Sorry I don't speak Chinese," the guy laughed and pointed a finger at her, as if she said something funny. He acts.. kinda creepy..
So anyway, we watched the Pierce Secondary sing. When they sing, they sounded like the choir from Les Choristes. And the last song, they had two solo. One was a guy, a Brian look-a-like (excpt that this guy is younger) , and other is a girl. When Brian look-a-like sang, we three looked at each other, which jaws dropped. OMG he sang like Piere Morhange from Les Choristes!!! It was so nice!! And he can sing the high notes too! But he was too nervous and his voice shook. Which is a pity. Damn I'll have to watch Les Choristes again. I missed it.
So yea, anyway, we went home after that. In the bus, I noticed that Yan Jie kept looking blankly ahead and not moving at all. For a long time. And I mean it when I said for a long time. Then, at some point of time, Benny looked back at me, with his mouth opened. I looked at him silently, then, pointing at Yan Jie, Benny mouthed something with gestures. My eyes grew big and my jaws dropped this time. Same with Yana and Fana. Apparently Yan Jie is sleeping with his eyes open. LOL!!! Benny waved a hand in front of Yan Jie's face and he didn't react. He continued to stare blankly ahead, unblinkingly. LOL JOKES! We joked that he would make a good security guard. He can sleep on the job, but no one will know! And that he can win in a competition for who can open their eyes without blinking the longest. Haha jokes sia. Yan Jie doesn't fail to crack anyone up, unintentionally. And the fact that he brought home 16 bottles of mineral water and 3 containers of rice adds to it.
Anyway, I reached home at 9 and slept at 9.45. Lalala
Here are photos of Fana and Yana. Miss Seow took some pictures of us, hope she sends them to Fana.. Haha..


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