Monday, June 13, 2005

GobLet of Fire

Oh yea, I forgot to mention, you can view the GoF trailer here. You need QuickTime for it though.

The trailer looks sooo cool I can't wait to watch it! Takes a long time to buffer though. I suddenly remembered that Harry's robes are black. NOW I remembered, it's supposed to be GREEN isn't it?? "To match Harry's eyes" was the reason Mrs Weasly gave. Lucky I didn't realise it sooner, it will irk me. I know these are all small details, but I prefer if the movie stick as close as possible to the book...

Oh yea.. Hermione's wearing a DRESS when she's supposed to wear dress ROBES.

Another reason that irk me.

But hey, but just because I'm complaining doesn't mean I can't sit back and enjoy the show~! =)

While you are here, might as well view this. You'll see scenes you have never seen before and interviews of the trio.

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