Thursday, November 04, 2004

2nd LeSsOn of iNLiNe sKaTiNg

Today's skating lesson was quite fun. I had my first fall. Had a pain in my butt for a few minutes.

Our "coach" was very fun. Always joke around. When his friend asked what is Suryana's, Farhanah's and my name, he told him, "Aiyah, easylah. Call them Selamat, Hari, Raya" and pointed to Suryana, Farhanah and me respectively. For the rest the lesson, I was called "Raya". It was hilarious, me and Farhanah kept laughing non-stop about it.

Farhanah was called Sarah because she looked like one of his friend who is called Sarah. Nice name actually. We trio kept teasing him, "Your friend or girlfriend??? Girlfriend right?!??!"
Inthe end he said "Aiyah I gay lah happy???" Then we went "Ewwwww!" Hahaha he's a good sport... Lucky to have him as our instructor.

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