Here is how it started:
*I changed my display picture to

[06:01:23 PM] `[Justin]'`!: eeeewwww.....
[06:01:26 PM] `[Justin]'`!: grosss...
[06:01:33 PM] `[Justin]'`!: what's that?
[06:01:43 PM] `[Justin]'`!: i noe...
[06:01:53 PM] `[Justin]'`!: that's danial when he's angry!
I laughed hysterically. Then I chat with Danial.
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHA Justin was so funny!!
Dan: What's so funny?
Me: Nothing nothing...
And then he keep on asking me and Justin what we were laughing about. Me and Justin decided to keep Dan in suspense and refused to tell him. We started teasing him. It was so fun. Nice to see that for once, I'm not the one being teased. When we refused to tell him, he left in a huff. Me and Justin carried on chatting.
[06:45:14 PM] `[Justin]'`!: the more i look at ur display pic, the more I laugh
[06:45:28 PM] `[Justin]'`!: it's soooooooo funny... Imagine Dan wif
that expression...
[06:45:50 PM] me: hahahaha ok now your making ME laugh!!
[06:46:28 PM] `[Justin]'`!: I sure hope he's not too angry...
[06:46:53 PM] me: nah.. He'll get over it.. He doesn't bear grudges
[06:46:57 PM] me: (luckily)
[06:47:13 PM] `[Justin]'`!: yep.... Otherwise we'll be in trouble
[06:47:17 PM] `[Justin]'`!: (gulp)
Danial, don't take it too hard..

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