Wednesday, November 03, 2004

LaTe fOr cHoiR

I woke up at 7 this morning. I was supposed to meet my friends at 7.30! What's worse, the trip to my school was half an hour!! I panicked then I received an SMS on cue. My friend told me she, too, was going to be late. I felt relieved.

I quickly bathe and dressed quickly. I decided to take a bus to Kembangan MRT station and take the MRT to Tampines. The bus was SOO crowded! It was so crowded until I had to stand near the front door, and that for the next 4 or so bus stops, no one is allowed to go on board.

I reached Tampines at 8.50. Yea! It was 10 minutes faster then taking a bus to school (even though I only need to take one bus).
It was my first time going to school by MRT, and I hope the last time!

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