I finally watched Madagascar and The Pacifier! WooT! The baby lemur is sooooo damn cute!!! Cuter than the Puss In Boots of Shrek 2!
Puss In Boots

Mort the Baby Lemur

Well, so which one is cuter huh?? If you say Puss In Boots, I'm going to whack your head with his boots.
Yea, so to continue, I will talk about after school yesterday. Some of us stayed back to present our IPW project, and the theme is to raise nature awareness. Us trio went up to class first. Then, a guy from Normal Tech asked me for He Wei. I said I don't know where he was and told him to check in the canteen. Then we proceeded to the Art Room, where we would be presenting.
In our group, only me, Mardiana, Suryana and Vincent came. How pathetic is that? So anyway, we didn't have a lot of things done. Only my bookmarks and some of those which were done last minutes. The DNT students were supposed to collect our artifact back from Mr Yeo, but we didn't. And the Home Econs students were supposed to do make a Chewy Bar, except that they didn't. And we did not even have a container to store all our stuff!
Mardiana was the one who thought of a plan to save our skins. They were a bit far-fetched and it's obvious that we were not prepared yet. But that's better than standing like an idiot in front of everyone, not having anything ready. She took her tube of Mentos and wrapped it with paper. This is the supposedly "Chewy Bar". And Suryana lend us her plastic bag for us to store the stuff inside. And Mardiana used her wind chime she made last year, instead of the artifact she made this year.
Mardiana said the Chewy Bar was eaten by Vincent, and that "now, it's in Vincent's stomach". He protested, which is such a dumb thing to do. But then, he IS dumb. =) She also said that the plastic was recycled as we did not buy a new plastic bag; instead we used the one that we had gotten. Confirm fail our IPW.
Danial's group cheated! They bought a bag of potato chips and said they made it! So our group decided to sabotage them. Suryana (or was it Mardiana?) asked them, "what are the ingredients used to make the potato chips?" Justin answered, "Potato...." he faltered, and tried again, "Potato.... And pepper I think..." And I shouted, "YOU THINK???" Everyone was making so much noise lol! It was kind of funny.
And Ritz group had a plastic bag, inside containing something. It looked disgusting. I think it's cupcake or something, but they kept dropping it, so now it became like watery shit. Even Ritz held up the bag like there's shit inside. LOL! And Mardiana SMSed him - after the presentation ended - that it looked like a piece of shit. Hahha.
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