Friday, July 15, 2005


.. Danial broke his record. He farted 16 times in one hour and 29 times in two hours. Ughh gross. He kept farting in the library. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ disgusting. Worse than my sister. Ok on the other hand maybe not.

So today, after school, Me, Suryana, Vinceent and Gerald went to the library to do the debate stuff. Examinations should be abolished, proposition team. Bleh. Farhanah went along to help us. At first she can't stand the two guys, but then in the end she said they are ok. Although she still can't stand them. LOL guess she'll have to get used to them first. But I'll say she handled vincent well LOL. "You just got your ass screwed." Wahaha you go girl!

After that we (that is to day, us three girls) went to KFC to eat. The malay auntie there very nice. Ver y friendly. I like her... I think she's friendly towards us because we always go there, so she got to know us. Haha jokes. Bleh.

Then I got home, I on the computer for a while, then I slept. ZzZzZZz, then I woke up, ate my dinner, and now I'm typing this. I'm working on another skin currently so, guess it's back t owork now! Toodle doo!

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