Whoopeedoo! I'm done!
Ok I'm bored. VERY bored. I've just finished reading Sandralicious' blog. Quite funny, I prefer her's to Xiaxue's. I got her blog from The New Paper.
Just read the comics section. Today's Garfield joke is quite funny.

(Click to enlarge)
Quite ironic huh. It made me breathe much easily, knowing that there is someone else who shares the same mood as me. Yea I know, Garfiled is a cat. A talking cartoon cat, in fact, but nonetheless...
Oh my God I sooo need a digital camera. A good camera phone will do too. Notice I said GOOD. My camera phone is shitty. But I have to admit, it's much better than my sister's phone. What is the use of having camera phone when you can't use the camera? Well, you can, but the lighting sucks and you can't send it to the computer, and worse, to other phones. And the rotating lens makes it harder to find the object you want to shoot.
Imagine this scene.
"Ooohh! A snail!" you friend exclaims.
"Where??" You look around frantically.
"There! On the rock that looks like your face!" she points.
"What rock?? I can only see a rock shaped like a piece of shit!"
"Yes! I'm talking about that rock!"
You are about to smack her face when she says, "Hurry! Take it's photo! It's so beautiful!"
Experated, you told her, "What's the hurry? The snail isn't going anywhere! Even it it does, it moves as slow as.... Well, as slow as a snail!"
You pick up the phone and fumble with the camera and its stupid rotating lens. Tick-tock tick-tock. Time goes by..........
Finally you got the hang of it, and aim at the rock. Squinting through the phone's view, you see nothing on that rock. You lower the phone and take a look at the rock. You double take. Confused, you see nothing.
"Where did that snail went?" you ask your friend.
"It moved away while you are busy fiddling with the phone" she replies.
"What?!? So fast??"
"Nah. Its just that you were fumbling with the phone for the whole day."
Get the idea? Bleh. The only good thing about my sister's phone is that the pixel is better than mine...
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