What is with all these anti-bloggers and blogging?? I flipped through The New Paper just now and saw a lot of negative comments and bloggers and blogging. What is wrong with blogging??
1. "People who blog are basically attention seekers who cannot stand leading a life without some attention to their existence .
- Chinang "
2. "BLOGrs juz wana CHEAP PUBLICITY or they R STUPID!
- Ujang "
Okay, before attacking us, maybe it's a good idea to learn proper English first, you retards.
People blog with different reasons. Many people prefer to share their personal thoughts rather than keeping them private in a diary. Many keep blogs to write about their day-to-day experiences and complaints. What makes blogging different from a diary is the idea of allowing readers to comment.
Most of us want to share our problems with other people. They want to get some things out of their chests, and they will need a place for this. So why not keep a diary, you ask. I, for one, hate writing, and prefer to type. Furthermore, what a waste of ink. Blogging serves as an outlet for our emotions, but unlike a diary, people will actually read it.
In a blog, there is a chance that somewhere out there, some stranger will read and sympathize. To know that there is a nameless, faceless listener, who may care and sympathize, is a source of comfort for some. In a blog, we can rant, because we cannot do it in person. The chances of people who are willing to listen to you ranting are one in a million.
Thoughts with too much emotion are usually better suited for blogs than for conversation, since emotion can be more controlled in writing. These emotions usually tend to be negative, because these are the ones we cannot easily express to others in person. Blogging allows us to confess these secrets and emotions, which we have to suppress in our daily life. It is a lot easier to confess on a blog than face-to-face with someone. Furthermore, we can hide behind an alias.
Sharing is what makes a blog genuinely different from a diary. Through a blog, we can share our perspectives with others. It may surprise you that there are other people out there who are feeling the same way as you, and may even get each other better.
Some people keep blogs to improve their writing skills. In order to write about your life, you have to think about it and about how to tell others about it. Reflecting in needed. Thus, you will gain a new perspective in the situation.
People who read other people's blog are voyeurs who have no lives of their own.
Assuming that if you keep a blog, you have a life, and if you read other people's blog, you do't have a life. Then what about a blogger who reads other people's blog? I always read other people's blog. I would want to know what are my friends up to, and reading other blogs also serve the same purpose as blogging - it kills boredome. You guys are sad man.
What do you guys do to kill boredome anyway? Stare into space? OMG HOW FUN! Let's all go "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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