Sunday, August 14, 2005


Yesterday, Suryana told me to help her make a wallpaper. I obliged, but I warned her it's going to be ugly. I used Adobe Photoshop to do it. Oh yea, and I found out that Baby Blues (the comic) was coloured using Adobe Photoshop! So anyway I did it, and I took my kinda long to finish it. And I was terribly unhappy about it, I tell you. I warned Suryana again that it wouldn't be nice.

So this is my first attempt:

(Click to enlarge)

Suryana told me to delete the hearts in the background, and complained about her fat ugly choir pic on the bottom right. So I substituted that to the picture of her and Fendi.

So I tried again:

(Click to enlarge)

And she told me to erase the choir pic. I told her then no pic? And she said, "Never mind, got the blotchy blotchy paint. Nice. Haha."

Yup so I deleted that too. Haha I love the splatter brushes!

So here is my 3rd and final attempt:

(Click to enlarge)

Tadaa! Ok lah.. I only like the top right hand corner. xD

She showed me the wallpaper she did.

(Click to enlarge)

It's kinda nice, especially using a Paint Program. I especially like the borders. I love multiple borders! Woohoo!

So anyway, I reckon I can brush up her wallpaper.. Probably will.. But wait long long.. ^^

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